All About Life...Love....and Laugh...

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Dont say u love me

never say i love you
if you are really don't care
never talk about feelings
if they are not really there
never hold me
if you are gonna break my heart
never say you are going to
if you don't plan to start
never look into my eyes
if all you do is a lie
never say hi..
if you are really mean goodbye

never say take care
if you are never care to me

how could you say that
if you don't really mean it...

just make me cry
then i will try to hate you....

just hurt me
then i will try to forget u
then say you will try
never say forever
cause forever makes me cry...


I laugh....
I love....Rata Tengah
I hope...
I try...
I hurt...
I need...
I fear...
I cry...
and I knew....
you do the same thing too
so we're really not different
me and you

we waste time looking for the perfect lover
instead of creating the perfect love
if it is meant to be our hearts will find each other when we meet
and if our heart melt together
so will our bodies and souls too...

you make me complete
you make me that the whole world loving me
together we make us to be ONE SOUL

i love you so much...
and i may never be able to express my love to u

its all written down in our lifelines
its written down inside our heart
you and i were just made this feeling
to feel love each other

there used to be a grey tower in the sea..... then you became the light on the dark side of me.... just always stand beside me not in front of me to holding me to guiding me you don't care what did they telling you bout me you just keep holding my hand to holding me to guiding me... even when i said that i don't care bout you you just stand there beside me and keep beside me to holding me to guiding me... even that it's hurt you so much you just stand beside me to holding me to guiding me... even when i need someone suddenly you came to me just stand beside me to holding me to guiding me when i was crying you came and give your shoulder to me to cry on it and you just stand beside me to holding me to guiding me you always understand me just the way i am you are never get mad you never get angry never leave me if i was hurt you just stand beside me to holding me to guiding me you just love me you just care bout me you just always thinkin' bout me nobody else let me learning how to love just the way you are just like you are thank you for loving me....

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

just the waY you are

there used to be a grey tower in the sea, then you became the light on the dark side of me, i compare you you to a kiss from the rose, do the grey the more i get of're the simplest one i have known and the purest one i'll own.
anyone who ever loved could look at me and you know that i love you.
anyone who ever dreamed could look at me
and they are know that i dreamed bout you
anyone who had a heart would take me in his arms and love me
i believe that you couldn't really have a heart to hurt me.